Api Rest With Cowboy
Jan 9 2019
Table Of Contents
At Elixir world the well know framework Phoenix is the main tool to develop the client side interface in any project. This framework allows us to develop complex real-time web systems simply with a lot of integrated features such as websockets. But in the case of just pretending to build a simple api rest a good option is to use the Cowboy library, which makes quite more lightweight the final application than using Phoenix.
In this post I will expose how to build a simple Rest Api Service with plug_cowboy. This library makes even easier to use the Cowboy library, which is native from Erlang.
The code of this post is availabe at this github repository.
Setup project
Create New project with Elixir
mix new cowboy_example
Add cowboy dependency at mix.exs
defp deps do
{:plug_cowboy, "~> 2.0"}
Let's get and compile this dependency:
mix deps.get && mix deps.compile
Application entrypoint
Let's use the lib/cowboy_rest.ex
file as application entrypoint for the supervision tree. We need to indicate this on our mix.exs
And set lib/cowboy_rest.exs
as an application module so his content will be:
defmodule CowboyRest do
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
# No childrent yet
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
We will create the folder lib/cowboy_rest
where submodules will be included. In our case the only submodule will be the web one at lib/cowboy_rest/web
Cowboy files structure
At this point we can start working on Cowboy on the Web submodule. We will need:
: The module defined in this file will be the Supervisor of the Web submodule. At start it will launch thehttp_listener
that behaves as entrypoints for all the requests.
defmodule CowboyRest.Web.Supervisor do
@moduledoc false
use Supervisor
def start_link(_arg, _opts) do
Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, [], [name: __MODULE__])
def init(_arg) do
children = [
worker(CowboyRest.Web.HttpListener, [[], []])
supervise(children, strategy: :one_for_one)
: This file will keep the routing to the api Rest Handler functions. This will be also in charge of launching Cowboy Listener at start.
defmodule CowboyRest.Web.HttpListener do
alias CowboyRest.Web.Handler
alias Plug.Cowboy
require Logger
def start_link(_state, _opts) do
Logger.info ("API Rest is working ...")
options = [
port: 4000,
dispatch: [ { host(), routes() } ],
Cowboy.http(__MODULE__, [], options)
def host(), do: :_
def routes() do
{"/cowboy_rest/[...]", Cowboy.Handler, { Handler, [] }},
: It is a Rest Handler in charge of handling and answering the incoming requests.
defmodule CowboyRest.Web.Handler do
use Plug.Router
require Logger
plug :match
plug :dispatch
@content_type_header_key "content-type"
@html_header_value "text/html"
@entrypoint "/cowboy_rest/"
get @entrypoint <> "/welcome" do
Plug.Conn.fetch_query_params(conn) # populates conn.params
|> put_resp_header(@content_type_header_key, @html_header_value)
|> send_resp(200, "Welcome to CowboyRest Service")
But in order to launch this submodule we need to launch our new Web supervisor from the application root, so the file ib/cowboy_rest.exs
should look like this:
defmodule CowboyRest do
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
# No childrent yet
Supervisor.start_link(children, [])
Running it
Now if we run the application with iex -S mix
, we can try a http request trough the command line with curl:
> curl localhost:4000/cowboy_rest/welcome
Welcome to Cowboy Rest Services
We can see how it is really easy to have a lightweigth API Rest application on elixir using Cowboy.