Testing in Elixir - Concurrent test execution

Mar 1 2024

Table Of Contents

  • Concurrent test execution
  • Considerations with async: true
  • Parallelizing the test suite with partitions
  • Concurrent test execution

    An objective of a great test suite is to reduce the execution time. The less time it requires, the shorter the feedback loop for developers. With this purpose, Elixir provides us a nice approach for parallel test execution.

    The common approach for building tests in Elixir is using the ExUnit.Case helper. One of the main characterisctis of this helper is that allows to executes concurrently the tests with async: true, It fosters parallelization and faster feedback loops. You can activate it by simply adding the attribute to the use statement:

    defmodule MyApp.Test do
      use ExUnit.Case, async: true

    Considerations with async: true

    However, nuanced considerations come into play, and it's crucial to be aware of these possible issues:

    Limited concurrency within modules

    While async: true promotes concurrency, it's essential to note that tests within an individual module are still executed sequentially. This means that tests within the same file will run one after the other nevermind if async was set to true or false.

    Does your database support it?

    Elixir projects often integrate database operations into Unit tests. When utilizing async: true, be cautious of the fact that not all databases support concurrent transactional tests. For instance, MySQL poses challenges due to its transaction implementation, potentially leading to deadlocks. PostgreSQL is recommended in such scenarios, as it supports concurrent tests within the SQL sandbox. Elixir documenation clearly states this:

    While both postgresql and mysql support sql sandbox, only postgresql supports concurrent tests while running the sql sandbox. therefore, do not run concurrent tests with mysql as you may run into deadlocks due to its transaction implementation.

    This consideration reinforces the preference for PostgreSQL in Phoenix projects.

    Challenges with Mox and Process Isolation

    When using Mox for mocking in Elixir tests, complexities may arise when processes other than the test process access mocks. By default, mocks are confined to the test process, which basically means that we have to rethink our strategy to keep our test concurrent in scenarios where different processess are involved.

    One potential solution is the use of explicit allowances, allowing controlled access to mocks. However, in certain cases, identifying the process's PID, especially under supervision, might be challenging.

    An alternative workaround is employing the global mode, granting all processes access to the mock. Unfortunetely, this approach isn't compatible with the async: true option.

    These considerations highlights the need for a thoughtful approach when adopting async: true. While it unlocks parallelization benefits, understanding its limitations ensures a smooth testing experience and avoids potential pitfalls in concurrent testing environments.

    Parallelizing the test suite with partitions

    In addition to the option of running tests concurrently within different modules using async: true, other possibility for parallelizing test execution is to leverage multiple Elixir instances.

    To achieve this, the --partitions argument on mix test comes into play, allowing us to specify the partition being executed using the MIX_TEST_PARTITION environment variable. Suppose we aim to distribute the tests across three different instances:

    MIX_TEST_PARTITION=1 mix test --partitions 1
    MIX_TEST_PARTITION=2 mix test --partitions 2
    MIX_TEST_PARTITION=3 mix test --partitions 3

    This alternative is specially interesting in cases where there are global resources that make not possible to use the async: true approach.

    Using mix test --partitions with MySQL

    In the case of having a project that uses MySQL where it is not possible to use async: true, using this approach is a great way to improve the time that requires to run the test suite in the CI pipeline.

    The main challenge related with this approach is that we need to provide a different database to each running Elixir instance. We can use the same MySQL server for that purpose, but initializing different databases through the Elixir configuration.

    At config/runtime.test.exs we can read this MIX_TEST_PARTITION environment variable, and we can inject this value into the database name.

    db_suffix =
        case System.get_env("MIX_TEST_PARTITION") do
            "" -> ""
            partition -> "_#{partition}"
    # Configure your database
    config :your_app, YourApp.Repo,
         database: "#{System.get_env("POSTGRES_DB", "your_app_test")}#{db_suffix}",

    Series of posts about testing: